
I’m a very busy person, not actually doing anything overly important but I never let my brain relax. I’m pretty certain this is some form of defence mechanism as I don’t want to allow my brain to switch off so that it can deal with the real problems. I keep myself busy so I don’t embrace the inevitable.

Since being in lockdown I still, have been very busy. Oh yes, always creating videos, editing videos, have to walk the dogs, have to to study something new, do a new course,  have to do this have to do that. All of a sudden, on Tuesday my brain came to a screeching halt. My body wouldn’t move, I couldn’t lift my head and it’s like my body was forcing me to think. To think and understand my own brain. All I could do was cry, everything made me cry.  I felt numb, forced to look at myself in a new light.

I’ve been very triggered recently by what I see online and honestly the littlest things can send me off on a rampage! I love social media, I love creating content and it genuinely makes me happy to create. It’s what comes after what’s posted that the problems start. It’s that damn voice. That voice that says I’m too fat to wear that. That my face isn’t pretty enough for someone to watch me do makeup. That my editing isn’t good enough. That other people have nicer feeds than mine. That those followers shouldn’t be following me. I’m a fraud, posting away when I feel like this. The list is endless I swear. 

For as long as I can remember I have been very self conscious of the way I look. Honestly, from when I was a young girl and my mum would pick out clothes for me to wear and I didn’t like them but I HAD to wear them. From being in school and feeling insignificant among the other girls who had nicer hair, better teeth, skinnier legs and a tan. Not just the girls but the boys too, told me I wasn’t pretty and all the shit that usually happens in school. I mean, everyone has their insecurities but it’s only recently that I’ve learned that not everyone focuses on their insecurities quite so much as I do. 

It actually really does just get in the way of life sometimes and I know that sounds dramatic. I’ve cancelled on events with brands because I can’t face looking at myself in the mirror long enough to get ready to go. I’ve been standing in my own house while people are there waiting on me to leave and I have crippling anxiety about leaving looking the way I do, wondering whether my hair is okay, my makeup is okay, my dress is okay, does my ass look super super fat in it? When we’re getting a photo before we leave the house (classic) I’m constantly thinking about how I’m going to look on the camera. Anyone else have their photo taken and immediately demand to see it? I take it and I zoom, I analyse. That photo will haunt me the rest of the evening while I’m supposed to be out having a great time. It’s exhausting. All my life, I have always been the larger friend. In every friend group, everyone else has always been slimmer, fitter – I’m like the DUFF. It’s a difficult thing to accept, when we’re all together my brain is going a million miles per hour wondering if people are seeing what I’m seeing. If a group of people are walking past and thinking it’s a shame that these amazing, gorgeous goddesses have me beside them. I know how that sounds, pathetic right? But that’s what my brain does.

I will say however, that posting on Instagram, contrary to what people think about social media has helped me come on leaps and bounds.  Don’t get me wrong, my demons are very much still there, but it helps me.  Every so often I have to do a cleanse of who I follow, it’s not because I don’t like the person or what they’re posting, it’s just because I don’t like the way that it makes me feel. For example, recently I unfollowed a lot of fitness accounts or people that are posting about their fitness constantly during lockdown.  It’s totally fine, you post away if that’s what you like to do and if it helps your mental well-being I am all for it. What happens though, is that even though I am exercising myself, I find it completely triggering and cry. Like, just sat there tearing up because some sexy girl is lifting barbell. Is that normal? I very much doubt it.

I never really took the time to understand what’s been going on in my head for the last, let’s say 20 years but I think the time has come to accept that something isn’t right. I just assumed that everyone felt this way, that this is just a normal girl brain telling yourself you aren’t good enough and to a degree, it probably is – as I said we all have our insecurities. As it turns out, my insecurities have just gone a little too far. I’m not at this stage going to drone on about what I have or don’t have, and in no way am I looking for the kind of attention seeking messages ‘oh but you are pretty’ or ‘omg Danny DeVito I love your work.’ I simply wanted to share, and I’m sure I’ll share more another day. For now, if anyone has any similar anxieties to mine I would love to listen, together we can grow.

They say ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ and my God, are they right.

Game of Thrones Belfast Exhibition

Today I was invited to the media press conference for the Game of Thrones Touring Exhibition which is situated in the TEC Belfast which as of tomorrow – Thursday 11th April – will be open to the public.

I am a long time fan of Game of Thrones, having read the books before the TV Show was even a thing and oh my GOD, I enjoyed this exhibition so much. Whether you are a super fan or haven’t even watched the show, I can guarantee you will enjoy walking around this exhibition. If you haven’t watched it, this exhibition will make you want to watch it! From King’s Landing to the Kingsroad, from the North to Castle Black you can immerse yourself in these fantastic props and memorabilia from one of the world’s most loved TV shows.

Before we viewed the exhibition we were introduced to the fantastic panel who answered all of our burning questions, unfortunately none about season 8! We had before us our very own Northern Irish gem, Ian Beattie who played the devilish Set Meryn Trant. We had Isaac Hempsted Wright who of course, plays Bran Stark who spoke very well and expressed a great love for his time in Northern Ireland. Our third cast member was the one and only Liam Cunningham who plays the one and only See Davos Seaworth. I’ll not lie to you, I was a little starstruck listening to these fantastic actors talking right in front of me, but I managed to keep it together and not squeal.

I was very excited to hear from Michele Clapton who is a costume designer for Game of Thrones – Emmy award winning thank you very much. The clothing and intricate designs are one of my favourite things about Game of Thrones. Even during the busiest of scenes I love looking at what they are wearing! I wanted to be in the show just so that Michele can make me a super fancy dress.

Walking around the exhibition and seeing all those costumes and outfits in real life I didn’t realise just how intricate they all are. They are absolutely beautiful and I can only imagine how long it takes to make those pieces. When asked about it Michele said it could take anywhere from 5 days to 5 weeks and even longer to make just one costume. Which is insane! I don’t want to spoil what you can see there but I just want to leave some of my favourite clothing items from the exhibition.

Varys’ outfits are up there with my favourites because again, the attention to detail is just insane. Michele had mentioned that because Varys has all the whispers and all the secrets, for that reason his hands are always covered. With his hands in his sleeves, it creates an air of mystery and I always feel like Varys is hiding something! He is so mysterious!

Now, let’s discuss Daenerys. Yes she is the reason I dyed my hair platinum blonde and wore plaits. Yes, she is awesome and yes, she is an absolute boss! She’s not necessarily my favourite character but her story line in the show is my favourite. What she goes through and what she has to handle, makes her iconic and of course, she’s going to need some iconic clothing to match!

I think it’s pretty safe to say that the White Walkers are absolutely petrifying. That cold, icy skin and those pale blue eyes that could cut you in two as soon as look at you. I near jumped out of my skin walking through and seeing this figure in the exhibition.

One of the best things about this exhibition was that you can actually have your face put into the Hall of Faces like in Season 5.

Weird, but I like it.

I absolutely loved this exhibition and I don’t doubt that I will be back again soon! You can check out the website here and you can buy your tickets from here

April – May
Monday – Thursday: £15
Friday – Sunday: £17.50
June – August
Monday – Sunday: £17.50

What It’s Like Being The Biggest Girl At The Party

Before you jump straight to the comments section to compliment me about something, that is not why I am writing this post. I am not fishing for you to tell me that I’m pretty or that I look good for my size or anything like that. I am simply here to talk about why sometimes I can feel down on my size and why it’s hard knowing you’re the biggest girl at the party.

When I say party, I don’t literally mean a party. I don’t think I’ve been to a ‘party’ since I was 11. I’m talking about being in work, on a night out with friends or even just meeting someone for a coffee (I actually don’t drink coffee, but Hot Chocolate doesn’t have the same ring to it). I am so comfortable with the size I am, for those of you that don’t know me or have never seen me before I am a size 16, give or take a size.

Now, size 16. I know that that’s perhaps not very big and that there are women who are larger and there are women who are smaller. I’m just talking about this from my perspective.. I am confident and comfortable knowing that I am that size and have no immediate plans to change the size I am.

That being said, that’s my thought process right up until I am standing beside someone who is considerably skinnier than I am or is wearing a top I like but couldn’t wear because of my boobs or anything like that. It’s so easy for me to get myself down about how I look and I work so hard at building my confidence up so that it doesn’t get to me but every so often those thoughts creep in. It gets to the point where I will look around and I know I’m the biggest person there, which I’ll admit is a horrible mindset to have. I’ll sometimes decide not to go somewhere with a group of people because I know that I’ll be the biggest out of that group. I have toyed with the idea of not going on a night out this weekend because of the same thing. That same thought process of ‘oh my God, there are going to be photos of us together’ or ‘I don’t look as good in night out clothes as them.’ It’s not a nice way to feel – and yes, before any haters come and say ‘well of you don’t like feeling that way then go lose weight.’ I don’t want to lose weight. I am happy the way that I am. Usually I have the mindset of that ‘everyone is beautiful no matter what shape or size they are’ and do truly believe in that. Sometimes that mindset shifts when you’re standing in front of the mirror.

I want anyone reading this that has ever had a worry about their appearance, or thought they are bigger than they should be or are bigger or smaller than their friends that it is okay to have these thoughts. Just know, that it is true that everyone is beautiful no matter their size or shape, it’s okay to have the odd thought about your appearance but trust in yourself and wear your confidence with pride. Your confidence is the best thing that you could ever wear, no matter the size.

Do any of you ever feel this way or go through that mindset? I’d love to hear how you deal with it.

The Junction, Antrim

I was recently invited down to check out The Junction, Antrim as part of their Connection Club Weekend.  The Junction is an amazing shopping destination situated about 20 miles from Belfast with not only over 30 retailers but an amazing 10 screen Omniplex cinema.  The Connection Club is a promotion that enables you to receive extra discounts, offers and exclusive events.  Think of it as a VIP card that allows you to save a little money while you shop – allowing you to shop more!  You can sign up for the Connection Club here and view what stores are available here.

Of course me being me, I quite literally ran straight to the beauty outlet as it has my name written all over it.  I went in fully confident that I would walk around and have a nosy at all the amazing offers however, as soon as my foot stepped over the threshold I completely lost all ability to think and went from the front to the back up and down the aisles telling staff that ‘this is amazing’ and obsessively congratulating a girl called Mags who keeps the lipsticks looking so neat on doing such a good job.  Mags, I am sorry.

View this quick video of me walking around the store and keep scrolling for a more in depth view of the offers available – perfect for dare I say the C word?  Christmas.

Thank you so much to The Junction and Beauty Outlet who gifted me with a voucher!  If you follow me on Instagram then you’ll see all the goodies I got!


As soon as you walk in there’s a fantastic beauty bar area with chairs and glorious light up mirrors surrounded by amazing offers.  A great area to sit and try on makeup!

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I first had a rummage around at the foundations and while there is a huge variety o products I did however notice that there are not full shade ranges.  I was able to find my colours very easily and there is still a great range but you may have to sacrifice going a little lighter or darker if you cannot find your shade – but that’s okay, because they have bronzers.  One of my favourite foundations, Rimmel Lasting Finish foundation is available there and you can see my first impression of this foundation on my YouTube here.

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I think my favourite part about walking around this store had to have been the lipstick section.  Not only was it just so satisfying to look at but the lipsticks were around the £1.99/£2.99 mark.  I mean, my Starbucks order costs more than that.  If you watched my Instagram stories then you’ll know that I got so overwhelmed by the lipstick aisle that I actually only left with two lipsticks and two lips liners.  It is just so unlike me.  I can’t wait to go back and buy more!

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I felt like I was walking around Willy Wonka’s factory in this store, honestly.  Just look at all those brushes and beauty blenders?  I was in total heaven and all for a fraction of the price that you would pay in places like Boots and Superdrug.  I love getting things like these as little presents, if you were starting to think of mini gifts for *whispers* Christmas then these are all perfect!

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Again, on the gift train – whether it’s a gift for yourself of you are in need of a present for someone these are amazing and come in the cutest packaging.  W7 were one of the main brands I seen in the beauty outlet and I have used some things from them before and they are actually pretty good, amazing for the price!  How amazing is this brush set below?

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In addition to makeup and accessories they also have a great range of skincare, bath and body and fragrances so there really is something for everyone!  So looking forward to going back to the store and The Junction in general as all staff seem so friendly and The Junction is an amazing place to walk around.

Have you been before?  What are your thoughts? Let me know!

You can follow me on InstagramTwitterFacebook and YouTube

EDŌ Restaurant, Belfast

I am not a food blogger and nor do I know an awful lot about the ins and outs of writing about food.  Unless we are watching Masterchef or The Great British Bake Off then I am an expert. That being said I recently ate in a restaurant that actually made me utter the words ‘Oh my God’ very audibly for the next table to hear.  Meg Ryan style.

EDŌ Restaurant, (pronounced Aye-Doh, Latin For ‘I Eat’) in Belfast is one of the nicest restaurants I have ever set foot in.  Walk through the doors and you are immediately greeted with not only pleasant smiles and a friendly welcome but a smell of food overtakes the sense, transporting you to a drooling state.  My eyes darted all around the restaurant from the bar as you enter with bottles piled high, the fantastic seating arrangements and brilliant décor.

Jonny Elliot, Head Chef and Owner brings you the best ingredients and extensive knowledge having worked with some of the best chef in the world like Gordon Ramsey and Gary Rhodes.  Jonny knows his flavours and has a Bertha Oven in the kitchen which allows the chefs to cook with apple and pear wood giving their food a smokey flavour.  The best thing about this restaurant is that the menu really does appeal to everyone, whether you are a starter and a main dish kind of person or a tapas style sharing theme is more your thing, Edo has got you.

We decided to try a few dishes while there as everything on the menu sounded unbelievable and we couldn’t decide.

Pimientos de Padron, £5

I looked at this on the menu and thought ‘nahh’ but I was guaranteed that they were lovely and so, I had to try them.  Oh my days, I honestly don’t know what was done to them but the peppers melted in my mouth and were unbelievably tasty.  With a little salt and I am assuming some olive oil these were the perfect dish to have while deciding what other dishes to have.

Jamon Iberico (Bellota), £10


A type of cured ham produced in Spain and Portugal that is just quite simply delicious. You get so many slices, we were full at the end of this dish… obviously that didn’t stop us! Also, we went straight in on this before I could get a photo, it looked too good to wait.

Ham Croquettes, £4

Yes, you read that right.  I haven’t stopped thinking about these for the last 3 weeks.  I actually got croquettes in another restaurant and they were nothing in comparison.  Thinking about them now I am starting to drool.  In fact, heading back to this restaurant in a few weeks and I may have to order about 4 of these.

Goats Cheese Fritter, £5

If anyone knows me at all, or at least listens to me when I talk about food, if there is Goat’s Cheese on the menu, it gets eaten.  It is always delicious and this time there was absolutely no exception.  Normally when I order Goat’s Cheese it come dressed up on a fancy plate with lots of dressings that I don’t even know what they are.  I loved that this dish came down just as it is.  Edo’s food is so good that it doesn’t need to hide behind the garnish.  It stands up with confidence, front and centre saying ‘eat me.’

Ham Hock, Celeriac, Pickles & Brown Butter Breadcrumbs, £16.50

Moving away from the smaller dishes and onto main dishes, what you see before you is the most delicious ham that I have ever had.  It actually wasn’t even what I ordered however, I stared at Joel’s plate dribbling, I had to have it.

Normally when I eat large cuts of meat they can be quite tough, dry and sometimes hard to swallow but I swear that ham actually fell off and melted into my mouth.  Not only that, but it was a taste sensation.  When it arrived to the table my first thought was, ‘how is that only £16.50?’  Such a glorious dish for such an affordable price.

Kebabs, Flat Bread, Tzatziki, £12

I am surprised I chose this as when being ‘bad’ and ordering take away I would never really get a kebab.  I did however, spy someone else in the restaurant who had ordered it and I could smell it wafting over, so it was either order it or ask that gentleman for a bite.

Unbelievably tasty and I wouldn’t dare touch a take out kebab after tasting this kebab.


Believe me, I was busted at this point and I really needed a nap.  That didn’t stop me ordering dessert because – why not?  You honestly can’t go wrong with churros in my eyes, they were deliciously warm and sugary and an accompanying chocolate dip.

So whether you are having date night, night with the girls or a big celebration EDŌ is the place to be.

View their website here and make a reservation!

What Turning 27 Does To My Brain

So today is my birthday.  I always loved my birthday and couldn’t wait for it for all the wrong reasons – couldn’t wait to see if anything fell out of my birthday cards to spend it on shite clothes I don’t need.  Couldn’t wait to rip through presents to see what was inside.  All of a sudden, this year I don’t care.  I’m sorry but what the fuck?  Why am I not an immature, selfish girl anymore?  Is this adulting?

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Before I write anymore there is a 83% chance I am about to have a mini breakdown writing this, so just bare with me. The very fact I have to now say mid to late twenties instead of early twenties knocks me over completely.  I definitely have to tick a new age box when filling out forms now…

What happens when you turn 27?  When I was younger the age 27 was the age I associated with girls who had purses full of credit cards, engagement rings, perfect jobs and big beautiful houses.  Now that I am at that ‘scary’ age, what the hell was I thinking?  There is something about the age 27 that makes me feel like I am being forced into being a grown up.  Like, don’t get me wrong, I have my shit together enough – I live with my wonderful boyfriend (puke, sorry), I love my job and I love all my little hobbies and I am by all means happy, but what is it about being 27 that makes me feel inferior?  Like, I still don’t feel like an adult but I guess I technically am.

Being 18 was amazing what with the whole I can drink legally thing.  Being 21 was amazing as I was living away from home in Scotland, living my best life and again, can drink legally everywhere.  If anything I felt more like an adult at 21 than I do now at 27.  Maybe because I was single at 21 I felt a little more independent as opposed to now where I need to split that rent or else I would be eating ramen noodles all month.

There are certain things that I feel I just can’t get away with now that I am 27.  I really can’t forget to make a payment on a card, I can’t go into my overdraft because that’s completely ‘irresponsible.’  Also, it’s not okay for me to not watch the news anymore.  I don’t like watching it because it is just full of terrible news, but at a certain point it just isn’t funny that I don’t know what’s going on in the world.

I was in Tesco buying drink for my birthday, you know… my 27th.  I wasn’t ID’d.  I don’t look old, I don’t look young but I was still very offended when I didn’t get carded.  Then I thought, I would have been over the moon when I wasn’t carded when I was younger, how can it irritate me now?

I think I am just pissed off that I can’t blame being young if something goes wrong.  At a certain point, I need to take responsibility and unfortunately I think that’s now.  I have been known to have a slightly self destructive pattern in the past however, instead of ruining lives I am now adulting hard and the only thing I really ruin are my plants.  Seriously, I can’t keep those things alive and if anyone has any tips – other than simply watering them – please let me know.

I mean, I have learned a lot in the last 27 years most of which I documented in another post 26 things. 26 years.  and I am so thankful for that as it has made me who I am today bla bla bla but unfortunately, I think that that has made me an adult.

Also, what’s with having more money when you’re still in school than now?

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A Blog For Bloggers

This one is written as a blog for bloggers, whether you are starting out or are fully fledged within your field hopefully there is something you can take away from this post today.

As a fairly new blogger – I have tried and failed to keep my blog going for the last 10 years but anxiety used to overcome me and I would delete the posts I wrote in case someone I knew seen them and made fun of me.  I recently developed an ‘I don’t give a shit’ attitude which has led me to keep writing posts for this long.  Anyway, as a newish blogger with an amazing local blogging community around me I have learned a few things along the way and yes, you guessed it I am going to share them.


When you start out as a blogger the fear can get to you as it got to me, that no one would care about what you are writing about.  The odd time a brand will approach you because they love your work and it is still so flattering when this happens.


I said yes to every opportunity that came along but looking back I now realise that that may not have been a good thing.  While you should be open to writing and talking about everything, have an end goal in mind and remember that you are your brand.

What I mean is if you are a beauty lover and you predominantly talk about makeup or skincare, don’t out of  the blue start pushing a toaster because a brand approached you about it.  It took me awhile to get on my feet and get a theme but now that I have a theme, I find myself politely declining certain opportunities because I have no interest in them.  I value my blog and brand far too much to start polluting the page with items that I am not passionate about.  You won’t care about what you are writing and your readers won’t care either.

There are pros and cons to this point and I completely believe that if I hadn’t have said yes to everything that my blog and social channels may not be where they are today.  That being said, I definitely would recommend to just research your opportunities thoroughly before agreeing as they can knock off your brand and blog image.

Know Your Worth

Now that you have your blog up and running, or maybe it has been up and running for awhile and you are still unsure but it is important to know your worth.  Blogging and writing posts, especially when in collaboration with brands can feel a little like a hustle.  I have been very lucky with brands I have worked with and everyone seems normal but I have heard horror stories where brands have taken fellow bloggers for a complete ride.

What I am saying is, know how much to charge brands that are contacting you and don’t be afraid to charge for your work.  The social media game has changed so much in the last few years and it is a great way of making money, especially when you are putting so much effort in.  I’m trying not to make this point sound money hungry, I for one very rarely charge for posts to my blog or to Instagram.  I am however trying to explain that you should not get shortchanged for work that you do with brands.

I for one am over the moon when I am sent PR Mail, and I more often that not will use what I have been gifted to talk about across my channels and blog for free.  It’s when brands expect a little more than that or they explicitly ask you for more that you should know your worth and don’t settle for anything less.  As my future best friend Kanye West says “Know your worth. People always act like they’re doing more for you than you’re doing for them.”


Individuality is so important.  You need to be a little different in order to stand out in crowd, not only in your blogging community but across your social channels too.  There are so many beauty blogs, lifestyle channels and fashion advice accounts that yours needs an edge, something to set you apart from the rest of the crowd.  Write about what you love and what inspires you and I promise you, your engagement will boom.

Not only is your uniqueness important, but so is what you are actually writing about.  Don’t write about something or post something just because someone else is doing it.  Just because someone wrote a great post and it received great feedback, doesn’t mean yours will.  It can be hard in a world where there are so many people with similar interests but if you are putting your own spin on your work then it’s guaranteed to stand out.

It’s Only A Number

When I started my Instagram I’ll admit I used to be so focused on how many followers I had.  I would be looking at people with 10 more to 10 million more than me and was always looking for more followers.  I am ashamed to admit it took me awhile to realise that the number doesn’t matter at ALL.  When you start a channel or blog your numbers are always going to be a little lower and they will grow with the more posts and content you create.

Do not be disheartened when you see someone with 20k on Instagram who is posting similar content to you.  Do not be disheartened because someone else got thousands of likes and you only got 100.  Instead, change your attitude and focus your attention on the people that are on your account, instead of looking for ones that aren’t.  Engage with them, comment and follow them back and get to know your followers.  The best advice I can give to anyone interested in blogging is that you shouldn’t give a crap about the figure at the top of your Instagram page as honestly, the way the algorithm works now it is all about your engagement.

Don’t get me wrong, I will be buzzing to reach the 10k threshold on Instagram so I can take advantage of the swipe up feature…

You may be reading this blog as someone who isn’t a blogger or as someone who isn’t remotely interested in becoming one but, these points translate equally into everyday life.  Life your life like the perfect individual you are and you will receive more appreciation for it.  Know your worth in your work life, no matter what you do these points still apply.

I hope you take something away from this post whether you a fellow blogger or not and please comment or let me know some of the things you have learned along the way.

How To Grow Out Your Bangs In Style

I don’t know about you, but I am one of those I love my fringe, I hate my fringe, I love my fringe, I hate my fringe kind of people.  So I am forever getting a fringe, then deciding that I am bored and need a change.

If you have ever graced your head with the presence of a fringe then you know how difficult and moreover, annoying it is to grow out when you don’t like it anymore.  I am here to give you some top tips on growing out a fringe in style as growing it out can be a huge pain in the ass.


Depending on how you want the end result to look will depend on how you grow them out so I really only know what I do to keep my hair looking cute.  If I want my bangs to eventually taper off the to the side then you are going to want to keep trimming your fringe in the middle only à la Alexa Chung.  This will not only keep your hair out of your eyes but when it is long enough, it will be easier to sweep to the sides.

Currently I am trying to create a side fringe so I have my hair clipped back with a bobby pin until it is long enough to take down.  When it gets a little longer then I will have the option of having cute little hairstyles instead of a boring clip.  Whether it’s keeping it up with a half knot on top of my head or the many different styles of plaits starting at the base of the fringe my hair will get more interesting with every millimetre of hair growth.


It’s a dark few weeks when you decide to grow out your fringe but with commitment I know you can pull through!  If in doubt, hair spray my friend.  Hairspray.  I always use L’Oreal Elnett Precious Oil Hairspray (contains Argan Oil to help with smoothing and shininess) or the Supreme Hold Hairspray.

Happy fringing!


Long Nail Problems

One of my favourite things to do to relax is sit and get my nails done.  There is something extremely soothing about sitting in a little chair, picking the perfect colours to wear for a few weeks.  I could almost fall asleep in the chair.

If you are local to me or around the Belfast area then you should take advantage of my gal Cara at @clawed_by_cara on Instagram.  She works out of Topshop, Victoria Square and all images in this blog post are hers, just so you can get a little snippet of how amazing she is!  I will leave more of her details down below!

My favourite style to get on my nails is anything long.  The longer the better however, having long nails can really get in the way of normal day to day activities.  Let’s start with the one that is affecting me right now…



I have to type like my grandmother would type, almost on the tips of my nails because they are so long and so it takes me about twice as long to write a post than if I had short nails.  Not only that but it makes a horrendous noise when a nail tip collides with the keys, to the point of extreme annoyance.  Don’t even get me started on typing a message on my phone… Worth it.


Moisturising the body is important but is so hard to do with nails like mine.  It always gets stuck under the nails and is rank.  Then you have to go through the process of picking it all out.  Worth it.



I have had to modify my wardrobe so that it doesn’t include anything with a clasp otherwise I would have to set my alarm in the morning for half an hour earlier.  I am not a jewelry person because I favor nails over bling.  Worth it.

Clothing 2.0

Jeans.  More specifically, new jeans.  I can’t even deal with the thought of trying on new jeans in a fitting room never mind the fear of getting my nails caught or stuck in the zip.  Worth it.

Washing Hair

Now obviously as the nails grow if you don’t get them done, they can

25038188_2024978707512312_4520655432129183744_nstart to chip away, etc.  In the days leading up to nail day when you wash your hair there is no feeling more horrid that having a great time feeling like a Herbal Essence advert when AGH there it is… your hair gets tangled underneath your nail extension, then you have to drag it out with a harsh slam back into reality standing there in your own damn shower.  Worth it.  Long nails forever.




We all have to have a little stratch every now and then, itchy head, itchy finger, itchy boob, whatever.  This is totally fine and normal.  What isn’t normal is having a scratch and then looking at yourself and realising you are now covered in a tonne of red marks.  I swear, you look like you have been mauled by 11 kittens.  Not a good look but again, worth it.


Small studs? Forget about it.  I’ve been subjected to wearing J-Lo worthy size earrings because my nails can’t get wrapped around the backs of studs.  Worth it.

Dropping money


Okay, I live in a city centre.  My money is not expendable, neither is my threshold for embarrassment when I drop money, or anything for that matter and I can’t pick it up.  Picture it – I am bent over ass in the air struggling to pick something up.  I’ll be honest, sometimes I’ll just leave it because my nails can’t take that kind of pressure.


All jokes aside, all the goodness that comes with long nails more than make up for the lil problems we gotta deal with on a daily basis.  I love having long nails, let’s face it they are kind of like having a Swiss Army Knife at the end of your fingers.


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Big Boob Blog

Yes, you read that one right.  I am talking big over the shoulder boulder holders, knockers, boobies, melons, globes and eh… tits – I have heard them all.  As a curvier gal, I have had to adapt my life to the bigger chest area and it hasn’t been as amazing as you might think.

For as long as I can remember I always was the girl in class with the bigger breasts, or at least one of the girls.  I am pretty certain I went from an age 8 girls vest to a size 30D.  I was wearing a bra in Primary School long before anyone else knew what a bra was, other than something that hung on your mother’s washing line.  Fast forward 15 years and I’m crawling around in a 34GG wishing I was 11 with the 30D (yes… 11)

Those with smaller boobs always say ‘God you are so lucky’ and I am like ‘REALLY?’  While yes, of course they have their upside they most certainly have their downside too.  You have to think about the back pain and the teeny tiny tops that your breasts will never fit into.  Living in jealousy that your upper body will never look as thin because of the pillows attached to the chest.  Dealing with your back breakers have to be considered into every day life so if you have big boobs or indeed little boobs then read along for why it’s important to find the right bra.


Approximately 80% of women wear the wrong bra!  Who knows, you might be one of the 80% – have you been fitted?  Those women that offer you help when you are buying bras are there to help, not catch a glimpse!

They’ll fit your bra to suit you and give you advice.  It’s important to get fitted everytime you go underwear shopping, especially if you are shopping in different stores.  From personal experience I have found that in one brand I am one size and a totally different size in another.

A bra is designed to give your breast support and to keep them comfortable throughout the day.  Not only is wearing a bra important but you have to make sure that the bra fits you properly.  A good bra stops sagging (I hate that word) because they are so heavy which helps them to keep their shape and keeps them higher for longer!  Stops them from bouncing around all over the place, knocking people out.  Think of your bra like a hammock, something nice and comfortable for them to lie in.  They are more comforting and supportive than any man will ever be.  No man has ever cared for me like my bras have.  Having a good fitting bra also makes your clothes look better and more flattering, no matter the size you are.

That being said as comfy as they are supposed to be, it’s seriously liberating whipping that bra off after a hard days work and throwing it across the room.

My favourite places to shop for bras are and  They have a huge range available for the majority of sizes and a great selection of styles.  Once you start buying nice underwear however, it is highly addictive – be warned.

PS, A push up bra with bigger boobs? Forget about it.

The Boob Chronicles

My boob once knocked my hot chocolate out of my hand when I was running for the bus and it spilled down me.

I took my bra off on the bus once because I couldn’t wait til I got home.

A shirt button actually pinged off and darted across the floor while I was in a job interview.

If I roll over in bed too quickly one boobs slaps off the other.  It sounds like a walrus slapping off the ground.

I don’t have enough hands to count the amount of times my boobs have popped out of a bikini.

I have to wear two sports bras when I work out.  Twice a year.

I was elbowed in the boob yesterday and I still feel the pain today.

I haven’t seen my toes in 13 years.

After every cinema outing, I come home and take my top and bra off and the equivalent of a small salted popcorn falls out.